

Michael Gledhill first landed in America in 1985 as a Royal Navy Officer.  He was inspired by the optimism and patriotism of Americans and eventually decided he wanted to experience the American promise.  The freedoms so eloquently expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  He gave up a promising Naval career and became a permanent resident in 1988.

Michael now believes America is a very different country.  In one generation the indomitable belief in personal freedom and responsibility in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness has been diluted.  In many communities it has evaporated.  In return for government promises of security many Americans are content to cede their freedoms. The government controls many aspects of life never intended by the Framers of the US Constitution.

In 2013 Michael became a naturalized citizen.  He has long believed that to be born in the United States is the greatest gift and privilege any human could hope for.  To see this spurned, wasted and abused is a travesty and Michael wants to play a small part in reawakening pride in American history, achievement and exceptionalism.  It is certainly not a priority in American schools.

Michael lives in Florida.  He is married to a lady proud of her Virginia heritage and they share a house with three spoiled dogs.  Life is wonderful!

If this website can inspire or awaken one American the effort will be deemed worthwhile.